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San Francisco Marathon Empowerment

The Unexpected Empowerment from a 1/2 Marathon

July 29, 2021 in Wellness

Life is such a journey and full of decision-making that even one small decision can change the trajectory of our lives. Little did I know that a crazy decision of saying yes to a friend four years ago (2018) to run a 13.1 mile half marathon with little to no training and just a “fun thing to try” did I expect or ever imagine it being an event of such significance. I have always heard the saying “You can do anything if you set your mind to it”. However, I never really understood, nor has it ever resonated with me until the day of the half marathon.

Waking up super early in the morning to be ready for the 6:45 a.m. half marathon, I started to wonder what exactly I was getting myself into. I had butterflies in my stomach, full of nerves but excited all at the same time. To start off this crazy day of ours not only was it pretty early but we were running late! (no pun intended) So we parked and ran to the start of the race, I guess you can call this a pre-workout?!?! The cold weather of San Francisco definitely lived up to its reputation with overcast, misty, chilly mornings but was absolutely perfect for a run. Arriving with about five minutes to spare I did brief leg stretches and went to line up with our respective cadence sections. Since this was my first half marathon with no training I thought it would be best to go at my own pace for this one and not set any goals or expectations with respect to time. My only goal was to do my best and get this done! The starter went off for the second half of the marathon (13.1 mi. vs. 26.2 mi.) and it was time to get this unexpected journey started.

San Francisco Marathon Empowerment

Thank goodness for race supporters, just when you needed that extra reminder to push through and continue going, they cheered you on throughout the race that felt like they were at the right places at the right time. As you run, you read all the different posters and listen to their motivational comments that would mentally distract you from the pain you would feel on your legs and calves just waiting until you arrive at the next station for much-needed water hydration and BioFreeze pain relief spray. Thank GOD for this sponsor, this pain relief spray was a total game-changer and honestly gave me the relief I needed until I arrived at the next station. As I arrived at the station I could remember the “Eye of the Tiger” song playing giving you this feeling of being invincible and feeling like a champ! Funny how this song now gives me nostalgia every time I hear it and takes me back to this race. It was already a silly decision on my part to sign up for this race with little to no training but it was even sillier that I didn’t even consider the hills in San Francisco and having to run up and down throughout parts of the race was not the easiest of races I could’ve opted to run. As I reached about 7 miles I wanted OUT! My legs were DONE! There was a moment during the race where I was on the brink of giving up, I was thinking about an exit strategy! I fought with the little voices in my head like in the Disney Pixar movie Inside Out telling me different reasons why I should quit, I ran enough, this is too hard, too tired, etc. but I decided to believe in the voice that believed in me, “I can do this, I will do this, almost done”. I then decided I was going to push through and finish the race no matter how long it took me.

San Francisco Marathon Empowerment (6)
San Francisco Marathon Empowerment (7)
San Francisco Marathon Empowerment

Of course like with anything else it’s always the last mile that felt the most difficult because I was so close and almost there and just wanted to be done already. Arriving at the finish line was indescribable and I then learned/experienced “Runners high” as I was filled with so much joy and euphoria that I completed such a difficult race I didn’t see possible.

San Francisco Marathon Empowerment (3)

Just like the streets of San Francisco, there were ups and downs. Not only was it a physical journey to get the run completed but also an internal /emotional journey. Despite throwing up, depleting all my energy sources, got black toenails that eventually fell off (ew gross, I know!), thinking I was going to have a restroom accident aka “runners trots” (apparently very well known for long-distance runners sorry, way TMI but I’m human and so are you!), sore for a week (I literally had to be pulled up from my bed), I do not regret running this race as it improved my mental strength and I really learned what it meant to believe in yourself and keep going. Ever heard that statement, “Train the mind, the body will follow”? That’s pretty much what ended up happening because my body was definitely on overdrive. Your body and mind are amazing, although the physical part of your body may be tired, it is your mind that you have to convince to keep going.

San Francisco Marathon Empowerment (9)

Since this race four years ago, I have been on a personal growth journey intentionally learning more about myself and how I can improve to be the best version of me. I hope this post empowers you to get out of your comfort zone, believe in yourself and your abilities, and empowers you to go on a journey of self-development/personal growth. You are far greater than any limitations you put on yourself and there is always room for improvement. Knowing this is the first step and the rest takes work to continue growing in becoming your best self.

I believe in you, but you need to believe in you. 🙂 

Comment below, I would love to hear from you and how unexpected experiences have empowered you or how you have empowered others.

About My Blog

Welcome to Live Life as You! My name is Benicia (beh-nee-see-uh) but I go by Beni for short. 🙂 First and foremost, thank you for stopping by and showing my blog some love! <3 Throughout my introspective journey of self-healing and changing my outlook on life, I have learned the importance of being true to oneself and how important it is to truly love yourself. I started this blog in hopes to enlighten and empower other women to do the same and to go on a journey to find happiness within and enjoy all that life has to offer. Read More

xoxo, Benicia

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